The Cat Empire - CD - Physical CD

Regular price $18.18

We emerged as a live band all those years ago. Growing up playing around Melbourne, we were always most comfortable on a stage. When finishing gigs, people would say that the live show's energy was what they wanted to take home on a CD. Alongside this, we wanted to produce a recording to make our music accessible to a wider audience. So the challenge was to create something energetic, vibrant, and alive and subtle and decisive.

This concept passed by a few different models, but in the end, we aimed for simplicity. We recorded all the tracks live, then spent time re-doing vocal takes and some other additions. We had Andy Baldwin on our team, who was the perfect co-producer and engineer. This album took 8 months to make, with different parts of it being added in Byron Bay over summer, in Melbourne at studios, at Andy's house and anywhere else we found ourselves.

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